Sunday, May 10, 2009

day 10

This day we really fun and relaxing. Srey Mao took us out on the town. First we went to Tuol Slen which was a concentration camp/ killing place during the Khmer Rouge take over in Cambodia. It was intense with pictures of all the people killed there on the walls, because they took pictures before or after they killed ever person. Also there were still beds where they had found bodies on in rooms, with the pictures of the bed and body on it when they found it. Needless to say it was a pretty early place.
the second thing we did was go to the Russian market. There was tons and tons of stuff there, so this was fun though hit was so hot I just wanted to sleep ha. after this we went home for a late lunch. But soon we were back in action and took a moto tour of the city. Srey Mao's cousin was with us the whole day so her and her cousin took us by moto to see the town. It was so fun.. really like just to see what was happening in the city. We ended up going to a huge arena where they said everyone goes to exercise. So there were like 30 soccer games going on, tennis, badminton, you name it! We found out that it was the stadium where the Olympics had taken place and when we reached the top of the stadium.. there were people dancing everywhere! It is funny because in Cambodia there will be a huge group of people dancing, and they call it exercise. there will be an instructor in front and like 200 people dancing.. its really funny.. but there there was at least 10 groups of 200 people dancing with different leaders so it was super funny.
After this we went home and made dinner again. Then we wen to bed..

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear from you again~ Did you take any pictures of all the dancing??
