Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 5

Today was a wonderful day. We were up at 7 like normal for breakfast then we got to come back and do some work in our rooms. It was one of our most relaxing morning. I got to do devo's and some computer work so it was swell. The intense part was how hot it was today.. I truthfully do not even know the degree that it was, but my body felt the pain. It was steeping hot! I found out today that I like to watch the geckos climb on the walls of our hotel as they eat bugs. Its cool.. so far we have seen many various lizards here, one of which, an iguana, I almost stepped on going to the market the other day. hah.. The market is a interesting place that smells of rotting fish, poo, fruit, and about anything else you can imagine. You will be walking and all of the sudden a wall of death will hit your nostrils. They sell tons of jewelry, shoes, bags(mostly designer rip-offs), and tons of everything. It is funny though they sew random brands on other pants to make them look nice. It is a really good time, as everyone stares at your white skin as if you are an alien, but it really is fun.

We had the honor of going back to our(crossroads) orphanage. (sorry i just had to pause typing because I had to kill an ant running across my screen, bugs everywhere!) The man who runs B3 is named Savy. He is an awesome guy who has 3 kids: Simon, Jennah, and I don't how to say his third sons name or his wife's name. ha They are amazing though, they made us an amazing meal and again really honored our presence. They just keep serving, so I helped set up some chairs and anything I could to help out. They really just want to serve and honor you, but i try and serve them right back and make them fell even more special, though I do need to allow there service to honor their traditions. Refusal of service would be even wost then helping them, it would be a slap-in-the-face insult. We had an amazing talk with Savy's wife and kids for 2 hours over dinner. We found out all of their needs so we can bring them back to the church and get funds together. They really only need a few things like bikes, computers, but most importantly a car.

It was so good to learn more about the culture and each other. we talked about many things.. it was good. before we ate dinner we gave the kids some candy and made up some really funny games to play with them. We brought them 3 juggle balls, so we made a relay race where they had to run, throw the ball up, catch it, and run back to their team, first team done won. So this was hilarious, but it got better. The second time through we made them jump and make a face as they were throwing the ball and catching it. Finally, we made them run, hopping on one leg, get the ball, spin in circles 2 times, and run back on one leg, Good laughs all around! we ended the game sessions with one I made up. It was like a spin of off jackpot but whoever caught the ball won. but if I yelled chicken in their language they could not catch it and let it hit the ground. Finally, I added the rule if I yelled ninja they had to chase me and the first person to touch the soccer ball got to throw it.

we ended the night playing some worship songs for the children and making funny dance beats on the keyboard. These kids love to dance so much! They are either playing games, eating, dancing, or sleeping, that's my kind of life:) So after it was all said and done, my sister, Savy, and I all piled on a moto, yes A MOTO, 3 people on one, and drove back to the hotel. Now I'm here clean, and ready for bed.

I wish i could fit every detail into these posts, but it would take forever, so you will just have to ask me for good stories when I get home!

Miss everyone.


  1. How cool is it that you get to bring back the needs of this orphanage to Crossroads! God is going to use you in amazing ways!!

    By the time you get back, Darlene will have a good idea about who is going on the trip so I would love to have a dinner here at the house inviting all the perspective team members to hear your stories!

    Sleep you so much and am SO proud of you!

  2. Great job blogging Eric. I am loving it and sure wish I was back there with you! Those kids are just irresistible!! Spread some Crossroads hugs all around for us!!
