Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 6

Today I was feeling kind of sick(sore throat), but luckily we got to sleep in a little. When we woke up Joci, Kallie, and I had a late breakfast then walked to the buddist monistaries and back to the hotel. We dropped Kallie off and talked to the hotel enterance man for about an hour. We discussed Khmer words and English words mostley. Joci and I are starting to pick up a few more phrases and words. We then decided to go back to the monistary and talk with the monks or Preasang in Khmer. We hesitantly walked in and sat for awhile alone. Finally we walked over toward some monks and this guy Khem Chanratha asked us a question. He asked about the word "Carbon Credits" and said he did not understand. He was reading an all english paper. We looked at the paper and discovered that they were credits that factories and buisnesses could buy to allow more polution or carbon to be emitted form their factories. We explained this to him and he was very thankful. This led to a very in depth conversation with him and his friend who was a Cambodian woman. Soon we were sourrounded by at least half a dozen monks and boys asking us questions and having a good time. We ended up talking for over an hour with them. they can speak very decent english so they had many questions and love to practice. they ended up teaching us the Khmer alphabet which has 33 letters, as well as some additional words.

A teacher soon came over and joined the discusion. He was an english teacher so his english was very good. He asked us if we could go to his class tomorrow and help him teach and interact with the kids. So if we are around we are going to do that! Also we may take a trip tomorrow to the "something" mountain.. I'm not sure of the first word, but I guess it is where there geniside or killing of masses of Camboidans in the past occured. Savy and his family will be taking us and we want to treat them maybe to dinner or have a good time with them for all the hard work they do at B3 orphanage.

Also tomorrow we may attend a service at the local YWAM.. Depending on times of everything else that is happening.. we have to leave the hotel here in an hour to go to B3 orphanage again to take the kids to the park, then we will go from there to the Cains house for dinner. so we have a very exciting night ahead as well as great day tomorrow!

see you soon!!!

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