Friday, May 1, 2009

day 2ish

Well.. we made it! after our 37 hours of flying and layovers.. we got to Cambodia safely. As soon as we got to Phenum Penh we had our lovely 5 hour drive to Batdambang. It was a beautiful drive through the countryside, which consisted of rice fields, houses/huts/monastery relic monument things, ANIMALS such as cows, chickens, elephants, water buffalo.. dogs.. you know.. ,hah, the "norm". Seriously though, there are more cows and water buffalo in this country than I have ever seen in my entire life! so many in fact that we had to stop our car every 5 to 10 minutes because one of them felt the urge to walk across the road and/or stand in our lane for a while. Needless to say we made it in one piece though we were faced with many battles with livestock and moto's (crazy kids on mopeds who do as they please).

We stopped on the side of the road and got lotus flower.. basically big green looking pistachio tasting nutish grapes.

This is a normal Cambodian city scene. crazy.. this really does not capture the business of it all.

we are going to bed now and getting ready to party with the orphans tomorrow. There is a huge celebration for new kids and orphan church sponsors. so we get to take part in the ceremony where the children with do their sweet dances for us and awesome stuff. It is going to be great.

On a random side note.. while we were flying from LA on our 13 hour flight I got this strange nasty feeling. Yes, the feeling of woosy, fainty, lightheadedness. So I stood up, tired to get blood flowing, tired to streach, and it made it worst. So I sat back down, turned to Joci and said, "Hey I'm really light headed, its weired... Yep I'm gana faint". The next thing I know I'm dreaming away and wake up to Joci saying Eric Eric! and the whole dealio. Neadless to say I felt amazing after that.. haha, Oh yes! Then this random Asian lady, who apparently was a doctor, turned around and was helping me out to see if I was ok. She was a actupunctur doctor... hah... I kid you not.. she grapped a toothpick from nowhere and instantly was stabing my hand asking if I felt better.. it was WILD.

All in all, a good day :)



  1. This is the most amazing post I have ever read! Ha, ha! You are awesome, I miss you already!!

  2. hey Eric,
    Welcome to Cambodia!! There may be lots of cows but the burgers there are not the same as McD's here!! LOL!!! Those cows are too skinny! Have an amazing time and hug some kids for me!!
    Dar Rudrick

  3. Hi friend! Glad to have met you and so excited that you and Jocelyn are here!!! :)
