Wednesday, May 13, 2009

day 11-14

day 11 (Sunday)
We woke up really early to go to the airport to head out to Thailand. we first flew to Bangkok, Thailand then got on our connecting flight to Chang Mai. It went very well and smooth. We were met by a flood of orphans and friends. We went Tutu's house, where we were staying and unloaded. When we arrived I was feeling sick so i took a nap. When I woke up it was time to go visit all 3 orphanages and meet up with Jon. So we went and ate afterword at a nice Ty restaurant. Following this we went to the night market in the middle of Chang Mai city. there were endless tents and merchants everywhere. This whole time I was still feeling sick. When we finally got home I was sick the whole night haha. I think I lost a few pounds so I'm looking good now. :) just kidding..

day 12 (Monday)
This is the day that English camp started for all the kids! It is where campus crusades comes in and helps put on a camp to teach the kids and just have a good time. I was still feeling sick so no one woke me up and I got to sleep in a bit. ha We went to the orphanage and met up with everyone once I was up. It was really fun we played games and had a good time with the kids. My favorite part was watching the Disney movie. ha so relaxing. Anyways it was a good time. after this we went to eat some pizza, our first American meal in a while. After we went back home and met up with Zack one of tutu's sons. we all hung out for a while and eventually went to bed.

day 13 (Tuesday)
We woke up late again because no one woke us up. Today we were supposed to go to get a guitar to use when we have our concert for the woman's prison next week. But this didn't end up happening. Of course Thailand time and change of plans accrued, so we basically just ended up hanging out with Daniel, another one of Tutu's sons. We went to the mall, a movie, food, food, food, we were all over the place. He showed us the ropes of Thai culture especially for a teen. We then went and met up with his girlfriend and went to this "goodwill" type of store, but it was Thai style, ha. It was under a tent in the middle of a field with clothes laid out everywhere. We soon finished dropped his girlfriend off and went home. It was a fun day with our "tour guide" Daniel.

day 14 (Wednesday, today)
Ok so it has been very laid back being in Thailand they really want to serve you as well as possible, so we want to serve them and help them out in any way possible. After our morning we headed back over to the English camp. we were taking all the kids swimming today, but first my favorite time, Disney movie time! hah We loaded the kids into huge vans and dumped them off at the pool. It was so fun, just crushing kids in the water. Though there is a language barrier for me, it is still fun and really easy to connect and get along with these children. So we played for a while and i slit my foot on the pool bottom all the fun times that go with being at a pool. Oh yes and throughout the day I have been learning and driving a motorcycle, it's the funnest thing ever! After being with the kids again today we went to this amazing dame with a restaurant on it. we were in this tiny little shack overhanging a Cliff and lake surrounded by mountains. Pretty much the most beautiful thing possible, with the best meal ever, 2 full fish, and a plate of shrimp, and papaya salad(super spicy nose running fun). So it was Delicious and beautiful to the max.


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